What if a former rapper marries a crazy beauty and both of them are acclaimed London lawyers ? What if the film is the bride’s brother wedding gift and the couple does not know a thing about the filming ? What if the most awarded and best wedding videographer from Marry Me Studio is being booked to film ALONE such challenging, demanding and massive project ? What if there are 3 photographers to be faced alone ? Will that not be a …failed wedding gift, instead of the best wedding video ever ? How discreet and unnoticeable wedding videographer can and have to be to film it well, not distracting the couple who …did not order you. And more importantly, capture all emotional moments perfectly ? This luxurious wedding venue with a stunningly decorated ballroom impressed each of the wedding guest. We or rather I…loved the courtyard where the welcome drink was served minutes after this emotional wedding ceremony led by the grandfather of the groom. Also, this five star wedding venue built in neo – mudejar style had romantic gardens and terraces where wedding guests could chat, drink and relax. It was perfect for my super8 film camera to give the wedding film a vintage feel. Hotel Alfonso XIII wedding was the most difficult and fun to film. Oh, and memory of filming this wedding speeches makes me shiver whenever I have wedding nightmares 😉 I wanted to make this wedding film damn good. I said to myself this is a real test of my cinematography and organizational skills. I couldn’t fail. I decided to make a documentary style wedding film that will differ from the best wedding videos created by teams of London professional wedding videographers. Did I manage to achieve my goal ? Tell me please.
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